About us

Greetings, I'm Lasse, the Managing Partner of SquareCraft—a platform providing diverse game modes within the Minecraft universe. Since our inception in 2012, my dedicated team and I have been committed to fostering a safe and engaging online environment for our gaming community. Alongside our rich in-game offerings, we maintain multiple Discord servers featuring voice and text chatrooms, designed to provide our players with secure and convenient communication channels.

As of 2023, the growing demands and ambitions of SquareCraft led us to a pivotal moment. Managing the platform as a hobby was no longer sustainable given the scale and complexity of our ongoing projects. Recognizing the need for evolution, we are thrilled to announce that SquareCraft is now a proud member of AuroraEdge, a Netherlands-based IT company specializing in developing high-quality, user-friendly products. This collaboration enhances our operational capabilities, enabling us to introduce even more compelling experiences for our users.

Understanding the concerns parents may have about online gaming, I've teamed up with Stijn, our Chief Compliance Officer, to put extra focus on parental peace of mind. To this end, we host periodic parent-staff conferences aimed at cultivating trust and open dialogue. Furthermore, we've established a Parental Committee to involve conscientious guardians in the decision-making process surrounding the well-being of our young players.

Should you have any questions or if you simply wish to engage in a conversation, feel free to reach out to me via email at owner.lasse@squarecraft.eu. Alternatively, you can send me a private message on Discord at 'Just_Lasse'.